Come and join the cuddly fun at Heart of the Shires Shopping Village.
Wednesday, August 28th, 2-5pm.

meet the animals

Meet the Animals offers a great opportunity to interact with a variety of animals, amphibians and reptiles. Experts handlers, with knowledge of all the animals, will be on hand to ensure the best possible experience for you and the up-most care for the animals. Everyone who wishes to will get the chance to hold the animals and learn different facts about them.

These experiences are very safe, educational and, at Heart of the Shires, it’s FREE. The event will be set up within the Bandstand, in the main courtyard at Heart of the Shires Shopping Village. No tickets or pre-booking is required for this fun event, simply come along and join the fun.

The fantastic furry family includes skinny pigs, bunnies, bearded dragons, tarantulas, snakes, African land snails, cockroaches, African pygmy hedgehogs, giant rabbits, guinea pigs and tortoises. Our hands-on experience gives people the opportunity to learn about and cuddle a variety of our fluffy friends. Our cuddle experiences are fantastic fun for all ages! Our experienced cuddle crew create a calm and comfortable environment for both our visitors and our animals. This allows people to connect with nature and overcome any fears they may have of our friends with eight legs or no legs at all!

Are you brave enough to touch a Tarantula, stroke a snake or perhaps be happier with a hug from a Hamster?

#MeetTheAnimals #FreeEvent #PettingZoo #heartoftheshires

Please Note: Not all animals, shown in our previous publicity photos, may be available during this event.


A Fabulous Free Event This August at Heart of the Shires